Fi Group

FI Online

FI Online: build, calculate and secure your R&D tax credit With FI Online, you can now calculate and secure your R&D Tax Credit claim in 3 simple steps: Diagnostic & Simulation:Get a free diagnostic of the eligibility of your projects Description:Describe your projects, and calculate the R&D Tax Credit Declaration:Download the documents to claim an […]

Young & innovative company (JEI)

JEI: a status to support young and innovative SME Initially created in 2004, the Young & Innovative Company status has been created to support the creation of highly qualified jobs. Eligibility: Every independent SME with less than 8 years of existence, an engaging 15% or more of their expense in R&D can apply for the […]

FI Online –

FI Online FI Online : déclarer et sécuriser votre crédit d’impôt recherche en ligne Grâce à la solution FI Online, vous pouvez déclarer et sécuriser en ligne votre Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) en trois étapes simples et en toute autonomie. Diagnostic et simulation :Réalisez un diagnostic, gratuit et sans engagement, de votre éligibilité́ au Crédit Impôt Recherche Description :Décrivez […]

Export incentives

Export insurance The Prospection Insurance by Bpifrance helps companies seeking international development by financing prospection expense and covering commercial failure risk. Qualifying expense Prospection expense on targeted zone Export dedicated staff wages and recruitment Local office expense Fairs & expositions Marketing, IP & legal advice expense.

IP Box – anglais

IP Box: Tax reduction on IP rights income The IP Box (also called Patent Box) has been established in France by the 2019 finance law. It gives companies the opportunity to benefit from a reduced corporation tax rate of 10% instead of 26,5% on IP rights income related to R&D projects. IP Box is related […]

Innovation management & structuration

Organizing R&D F.initiatives has developed a full package to support companies in innovation, focusing on key strategic factors for success. We provide consulting & services on 4 pillars of Innovation: Organization Ensure that the Innovation process is in adequation with the company & people Innovation Culture Innovation Culture is not only told, but shall be […]

R&D tax credit & innovation tax credit agreements

What are the agreements? R&D tax credit & Innovation Tax Credit agreements are relative to sub-contracted R&D. In the French scheme, when a contractor sub-contracts part of his R&D, the expense only qualifies if the subcontractor is agreed to R&D or Innovation Tax Credits. Companies can obtain the agreement applying to the relevant Ministry: R&D […]

IP Box

IP Box Qu’est-ce que l’IP Box ou anciennement Patent Box ? L’IP Box (aussi appelée anciennement Patent Box) a été mis en œuvre dans le cadre de la loi de finances 2019. La où le CIR–CII soutient les entreprises dans leurs dépenses de Recherche Développement Innovation (RDI), l’IP Box encourage les entreprises à valoriser leurs actifs de propriété […]

Grants & subsidies

Grants & subsidies: How to get public fundings F.initiatives supports your R&D public funding research and helps deploying your strategies.   Public financing allows for a huge competitive advantage for entities involved, which goes beyond the financing of the project itself. It can allow for greater project scope or even contribute towards the shortening of […]

Innovation tax credit

Innovation tax credit: a SME dedicated scheme completing R&D tax credit Created by the Finance Law in 2013, Innovation Tax Credit completes R&D Tax Credit and aims to support SMEs that engage in innovation activities. Unlike R&D Tax Credit, there is a limitation in the size of the eligible companies: Industrial, artisanal, commercial & agricultural […]